I was so thrilled to hear that this gorgeous pair were expecting their first baby, and even more thrilled to find out they were going to be welcoming TWINS!

After documenting their wedding day back in 2017, we stayed in touch, caught up at a few of their friends weddings that I got to shoot, and learned about their struggles to fall pregnant. Fast forward a few months and they were about to embalk on the journey through fertility treatment. Thankfully they did not need to go down that path, as their pregnancy with the twinnies happened naturally – what a blessing!

We had such a beautiful newborn session capturing their gorgeous babies and their feathered child, Amy the Eclectus parrot. She was so curious about her new siblings and she wanted to be a part of every moment, following me everywhere and carefully inspecting my camera gear. I was so happy to be a part of such a special photo shoot!


Check out all the fun and frivolity from Matt and Kate’s wedding day HERE